Monday, January 17, 2011


sometimes you really get into my nerves ! daymnnnnnnnn ! i am damn pissed grrrr "-.- sumpah rase mcm nk tumbuk je nak mencarut sampai mati haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. wht the hell ! its a good thing la aku tk period lagi kalau tak free free je buat drama ala ala getek tadi.dah la pfffffffffffffft sukahati la. haishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
breath ayu~ breath ~ IN AND OUT~ FUHHHHHH. -.-

Friday, December 17, 2010

'stupid C word'

people change, they always do. no matter how hard we try it just seems effortless. i myself dont want to get involve in this shitty situation . no one does aite. but at the end i always see myself stuck in it, wht a day. i wonder why pple change? some say it is the way life meant to be and some say just accept and deal w it. it's actually hard you see, when you wish things could be the same but in the reality there is no such thing as tht. we have to learn to accept the changes around us w an open heart.yes, i do agree it may hurt you so bad but for god sake we're just human , we are not god. and here i am typing this crap with anger,sadness & confused. i did found a way to avoid this shit, tell you the truth im not sure weather this could work but hey no harm for me to give it a try. humm. so ill keep my head up and just see wht's guin to happen next.

i am so LOST .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

'pieces by pieces'

do you ever been in a situation where you hate it soo much but you barely cant do nothing? all you can is imagine it to happen but actually it's not going anywhere, you just stood there and feel like to kill . all you want to do is cry your hard out ! scream as loud as you can ! BUT there is ALWAYS something that stopping you from doing it. and tht SOMETHING is totally sucks. believe me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"make it work"

sayang, i will try my best and i hope you do too.

i love you, :)

"Our so-called"

read it and take a good note. don't be too drama saying tht you and your partner aren't meant to be. if both matured enough and KNOW you have found the right partner, then fight for it. goodluck. xoxo

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"twinke twinkle little dark star"

i had a dream last night, it was not wht ive expected to be.  maybe it's my fault for over think.suprisely, i cried in my dream *such a shame huh. anyhow, "dream aren't always nice, and reality aren't always bad"  sometimes people cry in their dreams and tht makes them realize tht dream can be hurt. well,for me i do.

should hv not dream. 


it's already december. i had a great time on november and im looking forward for december baby .

things i shud do in 1212121212 :

1) need to shape up until 42 kg. (Y)
2) look pretty . WTH
3) hang w family&him&friends
4) celebrate his birthday . xoxo
5) shopping&movies
6) laughing my head-off
7) blogging&facebooking

adios baby.xoxo